Speakout Upper Intermediate Students book and Active Book
Frances Eales | Steve OakesSpeakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Each unit of Speakout opens with a clear overview of the content and learning objectives. The course covers all 4 skills areas as well as grammar and vocabulary and functional grammar. Each unit cuminates with a DVD lesson based around an extract from a real BBC programme.
The Active Book includes:
Easy navigation of the Students' Book pages with zoom facility
Video and audio available at the touch of a button
Video Podcasts with accompanying worksheets
BBC programme clips that can be played in a DVD player or computer
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2011
Editorial Pearson
Categoría Filología y Lingüística
Descargar Speakout Upper Intermediate Students book and Active Book de Frances Eales | Steve Oakes
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DescargarLibro.gratis no contiene enlaces para descargar libros, bajar ebooks o leer pdf y epub online con derechos de copyright. Todos los libros pertenecen a dichos autores.